
Name DescriptionLocationDurationDonor
USAID Empowered Communities Activity (ECA)To strengthen the community systems and platforms to improve Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent-Nutrition Health (RMNCAH-N) services and outcomes. To that end, improving community level health literacy and engagement, capacity strengthening of non-state actors (NSAs) and accountability systems as well as increasing service delivery through NSA managed health facilities are important result areas. USAID ECA aims to address the social, cultural, political, and economic determinants that underpin health, and seeks to build partnerships with other sectors in finding solutions for better health outcomes in five districts of Afar regionChifra, Assayita, Dubti, Talalalk, and Dalifage Districts of Afar Region01 June to 30 November 2027Project Hope/ USAID
Emergency WASH response for cholera affected community at Dalifagi Woreda of Afar RegionEmergency WASH response for cholera affected community at Dalifagi Woreda of Afar Region To enhance access to safe water and sanitation services while promoting improved hygiene practices. Activities include rehabilitation of non-functional water schemes, Capacity-building for health workers and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Committees (WASHCos), accompanied by regular water quality monitoring at both source and distribution points, Hygiene promotion campaigns and mass mobilization, distribution of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Non-Food Items (NFI) to 2000 affected households. Dalifagi District of Afar Region August 1-October 30/2024 RRF-IOM/ USAIDDalifagi District of Afar RegionEmergency WASH response for cholera affected community at Dalifagi Woreda of Afar Region To enhance access to safe water and sanitation services while promoting improved hygiene practices. Activities include rehabilitation of non-functional water schemes, Capacity-building for health workers and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Committees (WASHCos), accompanied by regular water quality monitoring at both source and distribution points, Hygiene promotion campaigns and mass mobilization, distribution of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Non-Food Items (NFI) to 2000 affected households. Dalifagi District of Afar Region August 1-October 30/2024 RRF-IOM/ USAIDRRF-IOM/ USAID
Access to Quality Early Child Development Activity in Emergencies Project in Afar Region.Increase access to quality play-based pre-primary education for preschool-aged children (3-6+), with a focus on those affected by crisis and conflict, such as refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees, and host community members. Activities utilize two modalities: ASR and O-class. ASR will target preschoolers living in IDP camps, returnee communities, and host communities, while O-class cater to preschool children in target communities. Key activities include establishing and enhancing the quality of play and Temporary Learning Spaces (TLS) in schools, implementing school feeding programs in learning centers, delivering gender-sensitive Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) services in crisis settings, and supporting social-emotional well-being, early learning, and holistic development in emergency contexts.Gulina and Yallo of Afar regionJan 2023 to Dec 2027SCI/LEGO-USAID
Emergency Response to Cholera outbreak in Zone 3 of Afar regional stateTo contain the existing Cholera outbreak and prevent its spread to other communities, the project is focused on implementing a comprehensive set of activities aimed at raising awareness and educating the public through mass/public education campaigns in the target communities and neighboring areas. Efforts include repairing non-functional water sources, extending water pipelines, and maintaining power generators and hand pumps, while also providing water trucking services to active Cholera Treatment Centers (CTCs), health centers, and host communities. Additionally, communal latrines were constructed to uphold hygiene and sanitation standards, with a specific focus on disability inclusion and mitigating risks related to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and child protection. Distribution of basic Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) Non-Food Items (NFI) and women's dignity kits are distributed to address gaps in personal and household hygiene, thereby reducing the risk of further cholera outbreak expansion. The project also involved capacity-building initiatives for health workers and cholera treatment centers, as well as the establishment and strengthening of community-based protection groups. Furthermore, water quality testing and monitoring activities will be implemented, along with support for cholera vaccination campaigns.In four districts (Awash 7 Kilo, Awash Fantalle, Dullacha) of Afar region10 October 2023 to 30 December 2023IRC/ECHO
Emergency WASH response for cholera affected community at Gulina Woreda of Afar RegionEmergency WASH response for cholera affected community at Gulina Woreda of Afar Region To enhance access to safe water and sanitation services while promoting improved hygiene practices. Activities include the distribution of water treatment chemicals with flocculation, coagulation, and disinfection effects to communities relying on unprotected water sources, as well as the rehabilitation of non-functional water schemes. Capacity-building for health workers and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Committees (WASHCos), accompanied by regular water quality monitoring at both source and distribution points. Additionally, construction of latrine and sanitation facilities at the Cholera Treatment Center (CTC) in Kelewan Hospital. Hygiene promotion campaigns and mass mobilization complemented by the distribution of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Non-Food Items (NFI) to 2000 affected households.In Gulina district of Afar region 01 January2024 to 31 March 2024IOM/USAID
Strengthening schools as spaces for child protection and the construction of peace and equality.Strengthening schools as spaces for child protection and the construction of peace and equality. To create child protection spaces while advancing gender equality and non-violence, particularly within communities affected by conflict in Ethiopia. Activities include enhancing the learning environment in conflict-affected schools, upgrading school facilities, and advocating for the inclusive right to education for all children while discouraging negative coping mechanisms; Building Spaces dedicated to promoting peace and respecting children's rights with a specific focus on the rights of girls and the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV); Empowering parent-teacher associations, raising awareness to mitigate the perpetuation of gender-discriminatory norms, attitudes, and practices, and equipping children to address conflict-induced trauma and other protection issues. Safe spaces will be established to foster non-violent behaviors, including initiatives to combat GBV in all its forms. In two districts (Gulina and Yallo) of Afar region September 1, 2023 to August 30, 2024 AeA/Basque Agency for Development Cooperation (AVCD)

In two districts (Gulina and Yallo) of Afar regionSeptember 1, 2023 to August 30, 2024AeA/Basque Agency for Development Cooperation (AVCD)
Resilience Strengthening of vulnerable pastoral communities to cope up with the changed climate through improved Natural Resource measures in Afar Region.To enhance the resilience of vulnerable pastoral communities in Zone 1 & 4 of the Afar Region, specifically in Chifra, Ewa, Awra, Yallo, and Gulina Districts, the project focuses on implementing measures to cope with the changing climate through improved natural resource management (NRM) practices. Activities include the implementation of physical and biological NRM measures such as water spreading weir construction and dry stone measure construction, as well as the provision of seeds and hand tools to support sustainable agriculture. Capacity-building sessions will be conducted for pastoral communities to enhance their skills and knowledge in NRM practices. Additionally, the project aims to rehabilitate degraded natural resources and assist communities in managing grazing lands to promote sustainable land use. Efforts will also be made to utilize flood waters and moisture in water spreading weirs for food crop production while controlling the spread of invasive species such as Prosopis juliflora and Parthenium.In three districts (Yallo, Gulina, Ewa) of afar regionNovember 1, 2022- December 31, 2024Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V./GIZ
Strengthening Civil Societies in Afar region for a better participation and influence development policies and strategies in Afar.Implementing partners, local government, and communities in the pilot districts of Gulina and Awra are collaboratively implementing proven approaches to enhance accountability and ensure effective service delivery in the food and nutrition sector. Activities of the project include addressing the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH) needs, livelihood support, food security, and nutrition requirements of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in these districts. Key initiatives involve the solarization of boreholes to ensure reliable water supply, implementing small-scale irrigation schemes, constructing irrigation canals, and providing essential resources such as seeds and hand tools to support agro-pastoralists in improving their agricultural productivity and food security.In two districts (Gulina and Awra) of afar regionDecember 1, 2022 to April 30, 2025Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (WHH)
Emergency Response for Conflict-Affected Communities in AbalaEnhancing food security and livelihoods among the most vulnerable agro-pastoralist households is the primary objective of this project, implemented within the past six months. The project aims to achieve this goal through various activities, including the provision of seeds (vegetable and fruit seeds such as tomato, onion, watermelon, green pepper, and maize crop seeds) and agricultural hand tool assistance to the targeted households. Additionally, the project supports a livestock vaccination campaign to safeguard the health of livestock, which is crucial for the livelihoods of these communities. Moreover, the project includes WASH support initiatives, such as providing simple water-lifting technology to improve water access, rehabilitating water sources and points, and conducting community-wide hygiene and sanitation awareness campaigns. These activities collectively aim to bolster food security, strengthen livelihoods, and promote sustainable agricultural practices among agro-pastoralist communities.Abala District of Afar regionSeptember 1, 2023 – January 30/2024CST- CAFOD/SCIAF/TROCAIRE
Emergency multipurpose cash assistance for conflict-affected populations of Raya Alamata and Tehuledere Woredas.The overarching goal of this project, implemented last year, was to enhance the health, WASH, protection, and livelihood status of 1431 target groups through the provision of multipurpose cash assistance, ensuring dignified access to their essential needs. Activities included the distribution of multipurpose cash to 1431 internally displaced households at a rate of 7,000 birr per household, in alignment with the practices established by the cash working group. This cash assistance aimed to empower beneficiaries to address their immediate health and livelihood needs effectively, contributing to overall improvements in their well-being and resilience.In Tehuldere district of South Wollo, Amhara regionFebruary 15, 2023-March 31, 2023WHH- Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V
Multi-sectoral Emergency Response project to the Conflict-Affected communities in Afar RegionThe primary objective of the project was to mitigate the impact of conflict-driven disasters on affected and displaced communities in the Erebti district of Zone 2, Afar Region. The project comprised various activities aimed at addressing the acute non-food item (NFI) and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) needs of vulnerable internally displaced persons (IDPs) and host communities. These activities included the provision of NFIs, education on sanitation and hygiene awareness, support for WASH NFIs, and the rehabilitation of water sources. By implementing these interventions, the project sought to alleviate the immediate hardships faced by the affected populations and contribute to their overall resilience and well-being in the face of conflict-driven crises.In Erebti district of Afar regionNovember 15/2022 to April 30/2023CST- CAFOD/SCIAF/TROCAIRE
Gender Based Violence Prevention , Response and protection Project at Haik Administrative Town and Tehuledere district of South WolloZone, Amhara region.The objective of this project, implemented last year, was to contribute to institutional and behavioral change aimed at reducing the incidence of gender-based violence (GBV). Activities centered on empowering women, adolescent girls, and children to exercise their rights by raising awareness within affected communities about GBV and child abuse. Additionally, the project focused on enhancing the capacity of relevant local institutions and community-based organizations (CBOs) to improve their response and delivery of GBV and child protection (CP) services. Another key component involved facilitating access to basic medical, protection, and psychosocial services for affected children, women, and girls. Through these activities, the project aimed to foster a supportive environment that promotes the prevention and response to GBV and child abuse.In Haik Administrative Town and Tehuledere district of South WolloZone, Amhara region1 October 2022 – 31st March 2023Embassy of Germany
Supporting equal access to safe and inclusive primary education for conflict-affected girls and boys in Afar including children with disabilitiesThe project aimed to support the most vulnerable conflict-affected girls and boys, particularly children with disabilities (CWDs), in accessing safe, inclusive, and protective primary education in conflict-affected Gulina and Yallo woredas in the Afar region, Ethiopia. Activities focused on capacity building, provision of educational materials, protection measures, and facilitation of tutorial classes to ensure equal access to education for all vulnerable children, including those with disabilities. By implementing these activities, the project sought to create an environment conducive to learning, where children could attend school without fear and receive the support they need to thrive academically and socially..Yallo and Gulina districts of afar regionJanuary 1, 2023-April 30, 2023Ayuda enAcción Ethiopia
Access to education and protective, inclusive and equipped learning spaces for conflict affected school-age girls and boys in Afar region, Ethiopia. (ERM VIII)It is an Education in Emergency project that address the acute and recent needs of most vulnerable students through provision of cash and catch up class for crisis affected school girls and boys; rehabilitating school blocks which are damaged due to the conflict and equipping them with combined school desks and black boards for improved learning space with gender-sensitive WASH facilities; provision of teaching aid kit for teachers and building the capacity of teachers and education personnel on addressing children’s learning needs in emergencies, child protection and psycho-social support (PSS); provision of EiE Kits/scholastic materials for IDP students; Strengthening the capacity of school community for effective emergency preparation/mitigation, safety and protection works etc.Region: Afar Zone: one and four, Woreda: Chifra, Adar, Ewa, Awra, Gulina, YalloJuly 1, 2022 to December 31/2022IRC/ ECHO
Emergency Shelter and NFI assistance for conflict-affected displaced/returnee families in Megalle Woreda, Zone-2 of Afar Region This project focused in provision of Emergency Shelter (traditional construction materials) and Non-Food Items (NFIs) like bedding sets, kitchen sets, hygiene items including Women's clothing items for 2000 returnee HHs in Megalle district.Region: Afar Zone: two, Woreda: MegalleAugust 15, 2022 to November 14, 2022IOM (RRF)
Strengthen well-organized structural responsive systems of multi-stakeholders engagement to make effective and collective actions to prevent and reduce GBV and HTPsThis project incorporated different activities that enhance women associations’ capacity to advocate their right , advocate on GBV policy ; increase multi-sectorial stakeholders’ coordination systems to prevent and reduce risks of GBV through enhancing the implementation capacity of law enforcement bodies, and GBV victim’s service delivery ; and improve a gender social norms in light of gender equality, GBV, gender-stereotypes, and HTPsRegion: Afar Zone: one and four, Woreda: Chifra and EwaJune 1, 2022 to 31, March 2023British Counci
Multi-sectoral Emergency Response project to the Conflict-Affected communities in Zone 2 and 5 of Afar RegionThis project incorporated different activities that address the acute NFI and WASH needs of the vulnerable IDPs and host communities through provision of NFIs, sanitation and hygiene awareness education, WaSH NFI supports and rehabilitation of water sources.Region: Afar Zone: five and two, Woreda: Semurobi, Hadelela and MegalleApril 15, 2022 to September 30, 2022German Agro Action/ Welthungerhilfe
EMERGENCY NON-FOOD ITEM(NFI) PROVISION FOR CONFLICT AFFECTED DISPLACED FAMILIES IN MEGALLE DISTRICT OF AFAR REGION.To provide emergency Non-Food Items (NFIs) for the displaced 3000 conflicts affected displaced HHs to address the immediate needs of conflict IDPsRegion: Afar Zone: one and four, Woreda: Chifra and EwaJune 1, 2022 to 31, March 2023British Council
NON-FOOD ITEMS (NFI) ASSISTANCE TO POPULATIONS AFFECTED BY THE NORTHERN ETHIOPIAN CRISISDistribution of 1000 ESNFI kits to 1,000 IDP households (5,500 individuals) in Dawe and Telalak districts to create access to emergency NFIs for the conflict induced IDPs.Region: Afar Zone: Zone Five Woreda: Dawe and Telalak15 December 2021 to 14 May 2022IOM/EHF
EMERGENCY SHELTER ASSISTANCE FOR CONFLICT AFFECTED DISPLACED FAMILIES IN GULINA WOREDA, ZONE-4 OF AFAR REGIONIt is focusing on provision of emergency shelter and Non-Food Items (NFIs) for the displaced IDP HHs to address the immediate needs of victims of conflicts.Region: Afar Zone: Zone-4 Woreda: Gulina21/10/2021 to 20/01/2022IOM
ERM 8 -EMERGENCY HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE FOR IDPs IN AFAR REGION DUE TO CONFLICT AFFECTED IDPsIt is to safeguard the lives of vulnerable IDPs through addressing the most urgent humanitarian needs conflict induced IDPs. Activities focus on creating access of clean water and freedom for IDPs to flexibly spend for their immediate needs through pipe extension for more water points to bring services; improving the Sanitation and hygiene condition through provision of WASH NFI like soap , water treatment chemical, jerry can and Construction of emergency latrines at IDP sites etc; Provision of safe and dignified shelters ( ENFI kit) , provision of Capacity building training for government sector office staff and experts; Conducting Multi-purpose cash (MPC) transfers service to highly affected IDPs and responding for COVID-19 ( Producing and distributing IEC/BCC materials on COVID-19 protection methods and WaSH, public education through loud megaphone/speaker, provision of hygiene materials -sanitizer, mask, Alcohol etc. for most vulnerable IDPs and frontline workers).Yallo, Gulina, Awra, Ewa and Chifra Districts of Afar RegionSeptember 15, 2021 to February 15, 2022IRC
UNLOCKING THE PROBLEMS OF SCHOOL CHILDREN THROUGH STRENGTHEN COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT, ENHANCING THE CAPACITY OF SCHOOL LEADERS,AND PROMOTE GENDER-RESPNSIVE TEACHING SYSTEM IN SELECTED SCHOOLS OF AFAR REGIONThe project is mainly focus on improving the learning outcomes of school children in general and the 0- class/early grade students in the most disadvantaged schools of Afar region through focusing on the improvement of teachers’ teaching performance, enhancing the schools principals’ leadership capacity, and improving community engagement. The project is being implemented in a consortium and AISDA is a lead implementer.Region: Afar Zone: Zone Two, Four and Five Woreda: Abala, Yallo and DaweDecember 23/2020 to February 24/2022Education Development Trust (EDT)
FOOD SECURITY, LIVELIHOODS, EMERGENCY FOOD AND WASH SUPPORT PROJECT, AMHARA AND AFAR REGIONS Supporting 320 HHs with food, emergency WASH, essential farm inputs and rehabilitation of the local environment; capacity of farmers, DAs, and partner staff; solarization of boreholes for water supply and agricultureEwa and Chifra Districts of Afar regionJanuary 1,2022 to December 31, 2022DF Norway
EMERGENCY NFI ASSISTANCE FOR CONFLICT INDUCED IDPs IN SOUTH WOLLO ZONE OF AMHARA REGIONProvision of NFIs for 415 conflict affected IDP HHs in tehuldere district of South wolloProvision of NFIs for 415 conflict affected IDP HHs in tehuldere district of South wollo 1 December 2021 to march 30, 2022German Agro Action/ Welthungerhilfe
SUPPORT TO EARLY RECOVERY AND SOCIO-ECONOMIV STABILITY OF THE CONFLICT AFFECTED PASTORAL AND AGRO PASTORAL COMMUNITIES IN AFAR REGION OF ZONE 4, YALLO AND GULINA DISTRICTSCash for work- 329 poor households (1974 people) who have lost the majority or entirety of their livestock and harvest; Construction of Dry-Stone Measures (DSM); 3 Maintenance/rehabilitation of Water spreading weir; and rebuilding of PADO capacities through material support like computers, photo copiers and printers, table and chairYallo and Gulina Districts of Afar RegionNovember 1st 2021 to May 31st 2022German Agro Action/ Welthungerhilfe
RESILIENCE IN PASTORAL AREAS (RIPA) PROJECT ADAPTIVE AND MITIGATION CAPACITY ENHANCEMENT IN MILLE AND CHIFRA PASTORAL DISTRICTS OF AFAR REGIONSupporting the capacity development of community level DRM institutions and working groups – to plan and implement DRM actions sustainably, including sourcing and managing funds, and diversifying and sustaining economic opportunities for people transitioning out of pastoralism (tops), particularly youth and womenChifra and Mille Districts of Afar RegionJanuary 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023Mercy Corps
LIFE-SAVING MULTI-SARTORIAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROJECT TO AFFECTED IDPs IN ABALA,EREBTI AND CHIFRA DISTRICTS OF AFAR REGIONIt is to safeguard the lives of vulnerable IDPs through addressing the most urgent humanitarian needs conflict induced IDPs. Major activities focus on creating access to IDPs to cover their immediate food needs, some urgent clothing expenses, cover minor health costs through Multi-purpose cash (MPC) transfers service ; and also improving their Sanitation and hygiene condition through provision of WASH NFIs like soap , water treatment chemical, jerry can etc, Provision of safe and dignified shelters ( ENFI kit) , Producing and distributing IEC/BCC materials on COVID-19 protection methods and WaSH, public education through loud megaphone/speaker, provision of hygiene materials -sanitizer, mask, Alcohol etcAbala ,Erebti and Chifra Districts of Afar RegionAugust 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021German Agro Action/ Welthungerhilfe
BOREHOLE REHABILITATION AT YALLO DISTRICT,AFAR REGIONTwo Borehole testing and cleaning, Solarization of the boreholes, Hygiene and sanitation promotion.Yallo wored at Afar RegionJanuary 2020- December 2020German Agro Action|Welthungerhilfe
January 2020- December 2020Test if Neem leaf could be used to fight desert locust, Action research to test if Moringa improves livestock productivity, Grow and test Moring and Neem in four sites in Afar Disseminate results to stakeholdersMille, Yallo, Awra and Gulina woredas at, Afar RegionOctober 2020- December 2021GIZ
EMERGENCY INTERVENTION TO COVID-19 (ERM VII)Health education to communities Provision of essential prevention kits to health facilities Install hand washing and water reservoirs Distribution of soap and jericans for targeted communitiesAfdera , Mille and Gulina woredas, at Afar RegionMay 2020- Nov 2020IRC
EMERGENCY INTERVENTION TO COVID 19 TO SUPPORT QUARANTINE CENTERSSupport quarantine centers and health facilities with PPE and other essential materials Provision of soap to communities in entry points Support Tracing and testing Monthly cash assistance to highly affected households due to COVID 19Elidar wored a, AfarAug 2020- Dec 2020Germen Agro Action
GBV PREVENTION AND RESPONSE THROUGH WOMEN EMPOWERMENTEnhancing the capacity & responsiveness of law enforcement bodies and service delivery institutions in light of GBV incidences, creating engagement to reduce GBV, capacitating CBOs, clan and Religious leaders for constructive engagement of addressing GBV and child protection issuesDawe, Semurobi and Dalafegi districts and at the region level of Afar RegionNovember 1, 2019 to February 30, 2021CSSP 2/British Council
ZONE FOUR BOREHOLE REHABILITATIONSolarization of boreholes, water and sanitation promotion, supply of water kits, construction of water reservoirsYallo, Gulina and Awra wored as, AfarJune 2017- Sep 2018German Agro Action/GIZ
DAWE INTEGRATED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (DICDP)​Agricultural Extension Service, Livestock vaccination and treatment, Capacity building of community Animal Health Workers and PARDO, women managed CC on nutrition, Support farmers, women and youth to engage in production of high nutrition value crops and fruits, Improving community adaptive capacity to climate change, Construction of cisterns, roof water harvesting and water source rehabilitation, Construction of irrigation canals, Business development and entrepreneurship among the rural poor womenDawe, AfarJan 2017- Dec 2020The Developme nt Fund, Norway
LIFE SAVING EMERGENCY WASH RESPONSE FOR DROUGHT AFFECTED PASTORAL COMMUNITIES​Rehabilitation of Boreholes • Rehabilitation of existing hand dug wells • Rehabilitation of traditional wells • Basic emergency hygiene promotion education • Set up and training of water management committee WASHCO • distribute soaps to households • distribute water treatment chemicals to householdsErebti, Dawe and Samur obi wored as, Afar1 Mar – 30 June 2016Oxfam GB
SUPPORT TO EARLY RECOVERY AND SOCIOECONOMIC STABILITY OF THE DROUGHT AFFECTED POPULATION IN ETHIOPIAUpgrading or rehabilitation of water supply systems scheme, Irrigational Canal Construction, Capacity building of Community Animal Health Workers, Restocking of milking Goat, Animal feed supply, support and strengthen VSLA(Village Saving and loan association), Capacity building of DRR/EW, Reduce malnutrition gap, Create alternative food security means, Support women through alternative economic securely schemes, and Capacity building.Dalifage woreda, Afar RegionJan 2015- Dec 2017Save the Children International
LIFE SAVING WASH EMERGENCY(ERM VI)Maintenance of water points, Water trucking Rehabilitation of water schemes Hygiene and Sanitation promotion, training of health extension workers,Koneb aand Erebti wored as, AfarMay 2017- Oct 2017IRC
LINKING AGRICULTURE WITH NUTRITIONReduce malnutrition gap Create alternative food security means Support women through alternative economic securely schemes Capacity buildingTalalakJan 2015- Dec 2017USAID
TERU WASH EMERGENCYWater tracking, Hygiene and sanitation promotion, supply of water reservoirs, support to school children on hygiene, rehabilitation of water schemesTeru wered a, AfarSep 2019- Dec 2019German Agro Action/GIZ